
Join us in standing in solidarity with our movement partners in the struggle against white supremacy.

wo people from SURJ Toronto are tabling handing out Defund Toronto Police signs. Two other people are looking at the resources at the table.

Defund Campaign

Police don’t keep us safe, but they do suck up disproportionate funding. Get involved to pressure council and imagine a better world.

A picture of a forest with the five flags of the five First Nations in the Land Defence Alliance. Text reads: "March for the land, September 27, 2023, Toronto, 12pm ET"

Land Defence Alliance Campaign

Join us in standing in solidarity with the Land Defence Alliance—Asubpeeschoseewagong First Nation (Grassy Narrows First Nation), Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (Big Trout Lake First Nation), Wapekeka First Nation, Muskrat Dam First Nation, and Neskantaga First Nation—and the coalition of organizations from across the GTA who are coming together to say no to Ford's land development plan.

Want to support one of these campaigns?

Find your stake in racial justice, and challenge yourself to make a difference.